Map & Routing Process
Developing a route, together
Constructing a new transmission line may seem as easy as drawing a straight line from one endpoint (substation) to another, but there's more to it than that. Even though we know our endpoints, deciding on the specific route between the two substations will involve desktop and field studies, engineering and environmental analyses, and public input. When determining the route the project team will consider a variety of factors such as community impacts, cost, landowner feedback, constructability, future needs, and more.
Explore our interactive map below, then learn about our Routing Process.
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Routing Process
We've held meetings with agencies and the public throughout the routing process to gather feedback and information. This input was helpful for our project team when developing potential routes for the transmission line.
After carefully considering the input and evaluating opportunities, constraints, permit requirements, and technical guidelines, the project team has identified and will file the proposed route.
Study area
With an established project need from MISO, we identified a large study area that contained both substations.
Identify project corridors
The project team analyzed the study area to identify project corridors where construction may be possible.
Public open house #1
o A series of open houses were held Summer 2023 to introduce the project and to gather input from stakeholders to help the team identify opportunities and constraints within the project corridors.
Develop route corridor
The project team used the feedback received to continue to narrow the project corridors to a proposed route corridor.
Public open house #2
o A second series of open houses were held in Fall 2023 to gather feedback on the route corridors to help us refine corridors to a proposed route.
Proposed route — we are here
A proposed route will be submitted to the ND Public Service Commission, who will review and hold a public hearing before making a decision on the route permit.
Library & FAQs
Download project and permitting documents and find answers in our FAQ section.
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